Help End Summer Hunger - Feeding Northeast Florida

Summer Isn’t Fun When You’re Hungry

Although the end of a school year is typically exciting for most children, summer isn’t fun when you’re hungry. For 1 in 7 kids in Northeast Florida, not having access to free or reduced-price meals means these next few months will not be fun in the sun.

As your local food bank and member of the Feeding America network, Feeding Northeast Florida believes everyone should have reliable access to nutritious food.

The Summer Always Poses A Triple Threat To Our Neighbors In Need:

When school isn’t in session, the regular meals students receive during the week disappear. Parents and caregivers must find a way to provide two additional meals for their children who are home. Over 65,000 (14% of students) are food-insecure children in Northeast Florida who rely on a nutritious breakfast and lunch through federal nutrition programs.

And summer is particularly hard on the wallets of working parents who are now facing the burden of childcare and utility costs that have skyrocketed.

While food banks struggle to meet the demands of families, donations also take a toll. Many supporters use their summer months to vacation, and funding for food is lower than ever. And as fresh produce prices increase, our shelves struggle to meet our community’s demand, which relies on us.

Summer Hunger in our Community

Summer Hunger Ends Here!

Consider helping a family this summer by donating, volunteering at our warehouse, or hosting a virtual food drive to raise funds and awareness of the threat of Summer Hunger.

In need of food this summer? Feeding Northeast Florida is working to get food to as many families as possible this summer with free food distributions occurring at least once a week all summer long. If you are in need of assistance, download the list below for the location of a pantry near you this summer.