Sponsors & Partners - Feeding Northeast Florida

Sponsors & Partners

Invest in a healthy, hunger-free community

There’s a shared value in working together to address hunger in our community. See how your company can get involved. To contact our team, click below.

Corporate Engagement

Our corporate partners are some of our biggest supporters. Not only in financial contributions and food donations, but in rolling up their sleeves and getting involved. Whether by group volunteering, sponsoring events or hosting their own food and fund drives, our corporate partners are critical to our success and the wellbeing of our community.

Corporate Giving & Grants

Have a formal philanthropic or grant-making process? The Food Bank’s staff can work with your team to find the best fit.

Food & Fund Drives

Engage in friendly competition within your company by participating in a Food & Fund Drive.

Volunteer & Team Building

Strengthen your team or department by volunteering together. Multiple opportunities are available for groups of all sizes.

Empty Bowls

Feeding Northeast Florida’s annual signature fundraising event.

Employee Giving & Matching Gifts

Provide an opportunity for your employees to donate directly, list us as a charity of choice, and consider matching employee gifts and their volunteer time.

In-Kind Donations

Donate items to support the Food Bank or our events. Experiences, vacation packages, sporting events and concert tickets, collectibles and memorabilia, event and meeting space, gift cards, and products.

We Are Thankful For Our Corporate Partners:

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